Über uns

Oshione ist eine rein glutenfreie Bäckerei mit natürlichen, handgemachten und vor allem gesunden Backwaren - Von Herzen gebacken, mit Aromen und Erinnerungen aus der Kindheit. Alles begann mit einem Bananenbrot auf dem Kollwitzplatz-Wochenmarkt. Seitdem ist in den vergangenen gut 1,5 Jahren viel passiert…


Es wurde mit verschiedenen Mehlen und Sauerteigen experimentiert, viel ausprobiert und ganz neue Rezepte entwickelt. Die Produktpalette erweiterte sich Stück für Stück um Sauerteigbrote, Pizza- und Zimtschnecken, saisonale Muffins, verschiedene Kuchen und Granolas. Mittlerweile beschäftigen wir mehr als 8 Mitarbeiterinnen, haben einen eigenen Laden eröffnet und wachsen.

Background story

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I come from a generation of cooks and bakers, so the techniques used here have been taught to me by my mother, aunts and grandmother — with roots traceable to my African and Asian heritage. There was never a birthday party without a cake. We made our own pizza. Cinnamon buns and bread rolls were reserved for Saturdays.

Being in the kitchen was such an integral part of life, cracking eggs, mixing batter, thinking about dinner, selecting vegetables.

However, glutenfree cooking and baking is something that took a lot of time and curiousity to enhance, and I was only led here due to health problems. I never imagined having a career in food. But after six years in the corporate world, the kitchen still pulls me in very strongly.

Five years ago, I was diagnosed with gluten and lactose intolerance. It was the spring of 2015 and I had just completed my masters degree. So career-wise, everything was going okay. But my health turned into an absolute train wreck! Such that it became almost impossible to efficiently practise what I had invested so much time studying. I was chronically underweight, always very tired, couldn’t focus for long, had low red blood cells, blurry vision, digestive issues, bad skin, acid reflux and a very weak stamina.

Then, the term ‘gluten’ was not as popular as it is today. I had to search in organic shops for gluten free ingredients. Now, there’s restaurants and drug stores with many more options. But up until that point, I had never heard of the term ‘gluten’. Except that I loved eating pancakes, cookies, cakes, waffles, bread, pizza, pasta etc. Basically, my favourite foods were predominantly full of gluten.

It was a drastic change because from one day to the next I had to cut out all wheat, all dairy, all processed foods and started cooking wholesome meals with a balanced nutrition. I was introduced to organic eating and began spending much more time in the kitchen.

Experimenting with ingredients that were completely new to me - chia seeds, Buchwheat flour, Goji berries. It meant more errands to fresh markets, less convenience eating out, more dirty dishes - every day! But the results were paying off almost immediately. So that encouraged me to continue. With each passing day, I started feeling better, got my optimal weight and muscles back. My mental state and stamina improved and I was happy again, so were my relationships and career.

Oshione is an outlet for sharing with you fragments of my culture combined with everything I’ve learned about healthy food. I believe that a small change can make a big difference. In developing several recipes from scratch, I have incorporated creativity, originality and passion, without having to compromise on taste, so that every one — no matter your eating style — can feel welcome.

Let’s eat!

- Aureen